Saturday, September 27, 2008

L dot A dot...CALIFORNIA

inside secrets brought to you by yours truly...

it has always been a dream of work in LA at some fresh azz Fashion/Music/AMAZING company...and my dreams seem like it may be coming closer to being caught.

The dream what I have been calling myself lately, because if no one ELSE believes in me...then how can I make my dreams come true!

I have a vision board that I look up to every morning, that reminds me of all of my goals and aspirations, one which includes to be a successful business woman (a picture of Kimora Lee Simmons).

I have always wanted a big loft in LA too...I have never been the house type...but a dope LOFT or like 2400 sq. foot studio would do. I am digressing...but back to my main reason for posting this blog..the anticipation is driving me WILD like COMMON and I will find out if I captured one of my many dreams on Wednesday!!!

Miss wishing for her dreams to come true.