Wednesday, September 17, 2008

SEX in the CITY!!

The Sex in the City movie DVD will officially be released on September 23rd and I know that along with the rest of the most fabulous and sassy girls...I couldn't be more happier.

I saw that movie twice.

Once with my favorite gal pals and the 2nd time with my mom.

I honestly think it will replace Brown Sugar as being my all time favorite movie...oh actually never that...Brown Sugar will forever hold the throne.

Real Hip Hop and a Love can't get any better. =)


Erin Ashley said...

my lovebug.

brown sugar, is one of my favorite movies too. i have 3..that, the wood & love and basketball.

brown sugar,
has inspired my career path...i think.

lol, cant wait for sex in the city..i just saw the ad in my ELLE and wrote in my planner before i wrote this. how funny.

love you twinnypooh!!!