Friday, January 2, 2009


I'd have to say that this was prob..the best NEW YEARS EVE Ever!!
I was surrounded by all my great friends and family. My Mom was sOOOOooo DRUNK...which made for a really great time!!

We had about 30 people show up to Daniel's house. Thank you Daniel and Dad, for letting us bring in the NEW YEAR safely!!

My girl Monique and I made cupcakes too!! We always find a reason to make cupcakes...and we make the best ones too..FUNFETTIIIIII!

We ended up staying the night (SAY NO TO DRUNK DRIVING)....and I am glad that I spent it with great people...all of my loved ones...besides my year honey.

Hopefully all of you had a wonderful NEW YEARS EVE too! Bring it 2009!


Simone said...

I love cupcakes. :]

Anonymous said...

would've been alot doper if i was there. did you ever get my christmas voicemail mama????